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CNC milling and Turning Blog

CNC Turning and Milling - Advantages and Applications

In the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining process, production equipment and tools are moved according to pre-programmed computer software. The procedure can be used to operate a variety of complicated machinery, including mills, CNC routers, lathes, and grinders.

What are the advantages and applications of CNC Turning and Milling?

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PTFE advantages and disadvantages

PTFE Uses, Advantages and Limitations

Polytetrafluoroethylene, PTFE, or Teflon® as it is often referred to, is a tough, ductile material with excellent thermal properties and outstanding resistance to chemicals and the passage of electric current. PTFE has an exceptionally low coefficient of friction, believed to be lower than any other solid.

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Fluorinoid materials in Green Hydrogen applications

Fluorinoid® Materials in Green Hydrogen Applications

Given its extreme flammability and reactivity, Hydrogen puts a lot of strain on the sealing materials used to contain it. Depending on the application and temperature range we recommend the use of Fluorinoid® FL102, FL355, FL512, or FL612.

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