Fluorocarbon founded and becomes a pioneer in the moulding of PTFE polymers in the UK. During the late 1960’s it establishes itself as a supplier of this new material to many key players in the sealing and valve industry.
The moulding of PTFE expands into processing techniques such as extrusion and auto-moulding.
Fluorocarbon acquires a small engineering company and introduces the machining of finished components leading to the acquisition of a manufacturing site in Scotland.
The completion of the Fluorocarbon Hertford head office and manufacturing site.
Growth in the demand for Fluorocarbon coatings and surface finishes leads to the completion of a 2nd building on the head office site.
Completion of 6-acre purpose-built manufacturing site in Manchester, accommodating a very diverse product portfolio.
Fluorocarbon Seals Ltd is established to design and market a range of high-performance sealing solutions and products. Fluorocarbon Bakeware Systems is formed to support the industrial and craft bakery industry in the UK and Europe.
Fluorocarbon Hose Ltd was born as a specialist in the production and assembly of reinforced and un-reinforced PTFE hoses.
Fluorocarbon acquires a manufacturing site in Romania.
Change of ownership followed by the announcement of a new global strategy, followed by the introduction of continuous improvement ethos and the re-branding of the company. Fluorocarbon opens a USA sales office to maintain and develop customer relationships.
Fluorocarbon Holdings acquires Prestige Industrial Ltd.
Fluorocarbon Inc. is launched into the USA with the opening of the Houston office.
Fluorocarbon Surface Technologies is launched, incorporating our Coatings sites at Sheffield and Hertford.
Fluorocarbon’s Innovation center is created with the main goal of integration into our business partner’s R&D departments.
Fluorocarbon Polymers expands into its current location in Romania, a site that has seen continuous growth through the exceptional efforts of our team by providing world class service to our European and global business partners.
Fluorocarbon Group celebrates 60 years of supporting its global partners. A new journey begins as Fluorocarbon looks towards applications in future Green Industries.
The Headquarter and Innovation center moves to a new home in Stevenage, and Manchester becomes the manufacturing hub in the UK.
Fluorocarbon launches its new Core Values across the business, ensuring everyone is aligned with the same goals and vision.